Sunday, February 9, 2014


Today, an unusual thing happened.  It snowed.  Yes, you would think during this time of year, I should be used to snow, but we are in Alabama.  Before it actually snowed, it iced. So underneath the 3 inches of snow, there was 1/2 inch of ice.  Cars were sliding all over the street, just like my family was sliding all over ME!  It was scary to think that someone might fall on the stairs and get hurt quite badly.  The family did manage to get down the stairs and into the yard, where they balled up some of the white, fluffy, cold stuff to make what they called a snowman, although I don't think it really looked like a man at all. It sure was nice hearing the kids and the grownups having such a great time together!  They took some of the snow and made a long wall to hide behind, then made a bunch of balls of snow and threw them at each other,  Everyone in the family was screaming and giggling for hours! After playing for the afternoon, they stomped off their cold, wet feet on me and went inside, where they had some hot, homemade chili and cocoa.  It smelled wonderful and I could hear them still laughing and chattering about the wonderful time they all had in 3 inches of snow! I wish days like today could go on much longer!

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